Jul 14, 2006

How I Know It Is Summer

As if the stifling heat and suffocating humidity weren't enough, I also experience an uptick in strange, prescient dreams and other so-called "paranormal" happenings. July and August are the "hottest" months wherein this type of activity occurs.

Now that I've outed myself as a wacko, let me illustrate. I had a dream last night that I was stopped by the side of the road, and was stepping out of (not my) car, when a dog walked out of the roadside brush within about ten feet of the front of the car. My location was, as best as I can recall, on the East side of Missionary Ridge. (Picture I-24W going over the ridge but as a two-lane road instead of an interstate.) It was twilight.

The animal, however, wasn't a dog. In my dream, I said aloud (to myself) "that's a coyote! Right here in the city!" It was an extremely vivid image:
the coyote stepped out of the brush,
I paused in exiting the vehicle as I identified it,
it looked at me,
then it walked away. The dream either ended or moved on into some unrelated scene right after that.

But I didn't remember having that dream at all -- until I was browsing Chattanoogan.com and found this story. Then the image of that coyote on Missionary Ridge snapped into my mind, and I had to blog it. Even now I'm struggling to determine that it actually was a dream, and that I didn't see a coyote on an evening drive somewhere recently. But I haven't stopped on the side of the road since my Valentine's Day car breakdown, and I know it wasn't then.

Okay, Joe, this was just one little dream, and one little Chattanoogan.com recycled press release. But 1) they happened on the same day, and B) I swear this kind of thing happens somewhat frequently, but mostly during the "dog days" of Summer. I've been keeping mental track since 1998, and I really should have been keeping a better written record.

If this gives you a good laugh, I'm glad I provided humor. Laughter is a good thing. If you take it even slightly as my honest word, which is how it is given, I hope I've enabled your mind's question factory. Questioning is also a good thing.

And, for what it is worth, there are coyotes in Chattanooga, and somehow my unconscious seems to have known that before my conscious mind did.

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